Personalization is a buzzword that every marketer loves to use. But what does it really mean? And more importantly, what are the legal challenges that come with it? Here are some common pitfalls of personalization and how to avoid them.
Do you know what rule-based personalization is and how it can help you create better content? Learn what it is, how it works and what are the benefits and challenges of this marketing strategy.
Google Analytics is a top tool for analyzing web traffic. However, there are open-source alternatives that offer similar functionality, are often free, and respect users’ privacy. Do you already know them?
Content based filtering is one of the most popular recommender system types on websites. It is simple, easy to implement and sometimes performs even better than collaborative filtering method. But is it the best method? What are it's advantages?
Hyper-personalization becomes more and more popular among marketers. But what is hyper-personalization, how we can use it and who is already using this method?